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Benijofar Life Website

It's great to see this website starting to take off - I don't know if you welcome ideas from subscribers but I would like to see an information page about Benijofar, maybe a page where people can advertise things for sale, weather forecast (or maybe a link to one). Just a few ideas but so far its looking good. Good luck for the future.


Hi I agree with youR suggestion.

In terms of selling items I had suggested an ebay type page, I further suggested calling the Quesada life page "Quebay" so why not call the Benifor page "Bebay"

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-05-18 17:46:30 UTC



Every Tuesday at 4pm at Bisto Alex (near zorro market, urbanization montemar) I hold a group called "Balanced" it is a weight management group.

Its if you want to gain or lose weight come along and we can help.

It is not a fitness class its just a group to get you to the proportion you want to be.

Ring me on 693 596 533 for more information

Or see you on Tuesday at 4pm

Cost 5 euros


Bobby's Bar Quesada is running a fun Charity darts nite every Thursday nite starting on the 195h May through to mid September for the Butterfly Children. Our target is 100eurs. Everyone is welcome, come and have some fun for a very good cause + there is a raffle. See you all there



Wouldn't it be useful if we could post items like the craft fair on all the
A Spanish Life sites at one go. It's very laborious to have to enter info on each site...or am I missing something?


Hi Sue I understand that it would be a lot better for businesses to post on one site and have it seen on all the other forums, the problem is that it is open to abuse and even though businesses are allowed to advertise I do not want the forum to become just a bill board. Also we are opening up in areas up and down the coast and some of the adverts would not be relevant to people in the north or south of Spain. But I will take your comments on board and see if I can come up with something.

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2011-05-18 16:52:24 UTC


This will be at Casa la Pedrera on 4th and 5th June. See for more information



Hi all
Just wanted to let you know about a fun experience we've had recently at La Mata. On Wednesdays (market day) and at the end of the market (beach front) there is a hotel. On the outside patio of the hotel "Alfies dock" is located. This consists of un upturned boat grilling sardines and large gambas. along with this there is a guy playing keyboard, singing and entertaining, he provides something for every nationality and its a great atmosphere. It gets very busy and if your there after 11.30 am your unlikely to get a seat.The hotel also offers a varied menu but the fresh fish from "Alfies dock" seems very popular. We've been twice and had a great time. Might be something you want to try or direct your guests to. Have fun !!!!


I am going to have a little look for it tomorrow, will let you know if I could find it!

Joolz x

Commented Joolz in Quesada 2011-05-09 19:43:15 UTC

Found it! Lovely place, Lovely Sardines & Vino! We will be going back. Thanks for the info - I love finding new places to visit.
Alfie's dock would be a lovely place to go of an evening and watch the sun go down.

Joolz x

Commented Joolz in Quesada 2011-05-11 10:19:05 UTC

Thanks for the info we will be going next week. Was it hard to find?

Commented Dawn in La Marina 2011-05-11 10:33:18 UTC

Looking at the sea, head left. At the end of the bay is Alfies dock, along with a few other quirky little bars.

Joolz x

Commented Joolz in Quesada 2011-05-11 11:20:49 UTC

We saw it just over a month ago on market day & it looked really great. Only trouble is smelling sardines being bbq'd makes me want to retch! My husband loves them but would never order sardines when with me. Trouble is he orders anything BUT sardines &, more often than not, others order sardines anyway. (ANY cafe I'm talking about).

Commented blogwriter in Quesada 2011-05-11 13:07:11 UTC

Hi Blogwriter
you might be happier going into the hotel for smething to eat,as they have an extensive menu besides the sardine boat, it just that I found the experience of sitting out on the terrace and joining in the fun a really lovely way to idle away some free time so I do hope you get a chance to try again.

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-05-11 16:24:43 UTC

Would love to try this too, what's the name of the hotel it situated in or a bar it's close too.

Commented lynnemalkin in Quesada 2011-05-11 19:26:13 UTC

whats the name

im sorry I dont know the name of the hotel but you cant miss it, just go to the end beach/sea front end of the market and you will see evryone gravitating towards it, plus you will hear the entertainment, sorry i cant be more specific but it is very easy to find , do enjoy

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-05-11 21:02:33 UTC

I would definitely want to sit on the terrace even if it means a peg on my nose! Sitting inside would not be an option.

We sat near 'Alfies Dock' yesterday at 5pm at Asturianas, where you sit at tables in the sand. It does have its name 'Alfies Dock' alongside it. Certainly, on a Wednesday you can't miss it. Come out of the market at the beach, turn right, it is there on your right. if you miss it you're blind & your sense of smell non existant :-)

Commented blogwriter in Quesada 2011-05-12 21:49:50 UTC

Hi to all you alfies dock fans !

I wanted to say Im so pleased your getting a chance to check this place out. I only wish id been on commission for the recomendation as judging by the response you all seem to be getting a good feel for the place. I wont get back there myself unitl september (aaahhh) but I will enjoy reading all of your comments in the meantime

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-05-13 18:50:24 UTC

Is this only on on a Wed?

Commented susan.adrian92 in Quesada 2011-05-16 22:49:16 UTC

Hi Sue
ive only been on a wed and i would guess the entertainment guy might just be available on wednesdays as the place is so busy with the market therfore he has a captive audience and to be honest I think the entertainment makes the whole experience what it is. Im guessing the place is open all week but it would be interesting to find out more .

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-05-17 16:18:34 UTC

No BBQ today & no guy on a keyboard. Plenty of people there despite strong breeze.

Commented blogwriter in Quesada 2011-05-18 16:28:18 UTC

Like Mother Used To Make

This is my business i make Jams Preserves Cakes Cookies and Biscuits.....orders can be placed on here...emailed [email protected] or call 672543197....Happy Eating!

Torrevieja Spain
Want your business seen by thousands of people and don't want to pay for advertising? Sounds too good to be true but it is true at Visit our website today and advertise your company or business FREE.

Torrevieja Life
A Spanish Life is building a network of websites to cover all popular places in Spain. On each area site you will find a different forum full of interesting information written by the local members, there are also many services listed as well as properties for sale or rent all relevant to that area.


Hi all,

The Black Bull

STEAK WEDNESDAY @The Black Bull 2 8oz steaks with all the trimmings 11.95 FOR 2 PEOPLE (CAN'T BE BEATEN) ALSO BUDWEISER 1 EURO ALL DAY/NIGHT...Leave the car at home We offer a free courtesy bus within a 15km radius to pick you up and drop you home after a nice meal. 966842070 966842070

Please visit out facebook page for daily updates on entertainment, meal deals & up and coming events.

We offer accommodation at our motel for prices as little as 35 Euros per/night

There are various theme nights all throughout the week there is something for everyone.

We also provide a nice outside cosy smoking area.

Please call 966 842 070 or 685 137 299 for all bookings.


Los Balcones

hi there

hi all im the new admin for this site please feel free to contact me whenever you need to looking forward to hearing from you all...chris

It will be nice to see this area going like the rest I have seen in this group, I for one love the Algorfa area and will do what I can to tell people about this great site.

Commented Patti in Quesada 2011-05-15 09:09:48 UTC

thank you Patti....all help is appreciated x

Commented Christine Davies in Torrevieja 2011-05-18 14:25:50 UTC
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